Rating Warning

This blog is rated PG (Probally G). Please don't use bad language for 6 or 9 year olds. If you send a bad message, I'm reporting you.

It could be rated PG!

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  • Little
  • Kids
  • Should
  • Not
  • Look
  • At
  • This
  • Because
  • It
  • Could
  • Be
  • Rated
  • PG!
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These ---------- are just borders.


This is what Jigglypuff looks like!


Jigglypuff's Adventure: Day 1

Once upon a time, when Jigglypuff came out of the door, I was excited that Jigglypuff joined in my team. Jigglypuff wants to read my story I am typing but it was incomplete. So we made an adventure! "Jigglypuff, want to join with me?" Said Jeffrey Wright, the author. We started the adventure! Our 1st mission is to find the paper. We looked at my room, but there was no paper. We searched in Cathereine's room and the paper was found! "Jigglypuff, we are going to start a mission." Said the author. And we took off! So we started our real mission. The mission was to give Michael the book, Avatar Book 1. The mission was comleted! "Now we'll start the real mission!" Said the author. Our mission is to find the Phase 10 cards and return them back to the deck. We found one near 2 pictures. One was a picture of children. The other was about me when I was a baby. We searched for the flashlight and more Phase 10 cards. Jigglypuff loves the toothbrushes I found at one of the drawrs. We didn't find the flashlight or any Phase 10 cards! Jigglypuff was at another room. I said, "I lost Jigglypuff!" 30 seconds later, I found Jigglypuff! Then we got down to typy our story. "Jigglypuff, are you ready to continue this mission?" Said the author. Jigglypuff says Yes. "We're off!" We are at the pantry looking for the bag with the cards. We looked and kept on saying, "Where's the bag? Bag? BAG?" We put is somewhere and mission complete.

No comments:

What color puffle are you?

The ?????

The ?????
It's a ?????! It looks scary to me! I have to remove the word again, so the blog won't be PG-13 rated.


Is that puppy cute?


Wow, Wow! It's a picture of Wubbzy!

Cream the Rabbit

Cream the Rabbit
Is she so cute?

My 5th Grade Graduation Video

Here's the link to my 5th grade Graduatation Video!


The other video is NC-17 rated.

Who is she?

In the "My 5th grade graduation" video where it says "5th grade dance", the girl is named Kristen.