Rating Warning

This blog is rated PG (Probally G). Please don't use bad language for 6 or 9 year olds. If you send a bad message, I'm reporting you.

It could be rated PG!

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  • Little
  • Kids
  • Should
  • Not
  • Look
  • At
  • This
  • Because
  • It
  • Could
  • Be
  • Rated
  • PG!
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These ---------- are just borders.


This is what Jigglypuff looks like!


The adventures of the 5 little cats Part 2

Adventure 3 the Circus
Man: I got 5 new cell phones to talk to your mom. Cats: Wow! Now we can talk to our mom everywhere! Man: Hurry up! We don’t want to miss the beginning of the show! Mandy: Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Mandy the substitute ringmaster. I am sorry that Gordon is sick. Audience: Boo. (Laughs)
Mandy: Why are the audiences laughing? Cat 5: It’s a girl! Cat 4: It is? Cat 2: Be quiet! The ta-dah sound will be soon. Mandy: Ladies and Gentlemen! Let’s see if that elephant can ride a 2,040 pound bicycle. If the elephant can, you will hear the ta-dah sound. If not, you will hear a lower sound and ½ of the normal ta-dah sound. Judges please. A 3! I need to practice how to ride with my elephant, Judy!

Adventure 4 the Beach
Cats: Oh-no! This circus is awful! We need... Cat 1: Hello! Man: My five cats! Cat 1: Wrong call! Mother cat: Hello Cats: Hi! Cat 2: We don’t know are next adventure. Mother Cat: You need to find another place to find your adventure. Bye! Cat 3: Wow! The beach will be another adventure! Kids: (Screams) Cat 2: What are your names? Amy: This is me! Amy. I have 2 friends named Andy and Andrew. Cats: Cool names huh. Andy: We are building a sandcastle. We got a beach ball to play with. Cat 1: Cool beach ball huh! Cat 1: I am hungry! Cat 2: Me 2 Cat 3: Me 3 Cats 4 & 5: Us 4 Cat 5: We can eat ice-cream! 5 ice-creams! Ice cream man: 1 for $0.50, 5 for $2.50. You brought me 15 quarters. Cats: Yippee! We got change!

No comments:

What color puffle are you?

The ?????

The ?????
It's a ?????! It looks scary to me! I have to remove the word again, so the blog won't be PG-13 rated.


Is that puppy cute?


Wow, Wow! It's a picture of Wubbzy!

Cream the Rabbit

Cream the Rabbit
Is she so cute?

My 5th Grade Graduation Video

Here's the link to my 5th grade Graduatation Video!


The other video is NC-17 rated.

Who is she?

In the "My 5th grade graduation" video where it says "5th grade dance", the girl is named Kristen.