Rating Warning

This blog is rated PG (Probally G). Please don't use bad language for 6 or 9 year olds. If you send a bad message, I'm reporting you.

It could be rated PG!

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  • Little
  • Kids
  • Should
  • Not
  • Look
  • At
  • This
  • Because
  • It
  • Could
  • Be
  • Rated
  • PG!
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These ---------- are just borders.


This is what Jigglypuff looks like!


The adventures of the 5 little cats Part 4

Adventure 7 the Farm
Narrator: They went to a huge farm for a big adventure. Cat 5: Who are you? Farmer: (Yelps) 5 cats could talk? 2nd farmer: Let’s escape. Cat 1: I will be the new farmer. Follow me, because I am the boss. Cats 2, 3, 4, & 5: Okay. Cat 4: I wish that all the animals will talk. SFX: Moo! Oink! Quack! Neigh! Baa!
Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cat 1: Welcome to cat 1’s farm! We hope you will enjoy hay, chicken, & bacon. Pig & Chicken: (Screams) Cat 1: Sorry. The farmer will eat it. Farmers: What the heck! 2nd farmer: The first kitten is dressed like a farmer! Pig: Hello. Farmers: Eek! Farmer 1: Let’s get out of here.

Adventure 8 the Desert
Narrator: When the farmers are dead, they went to a large desert called the Sahara. Cat 5: Whoa! Cat 2: What a large desert. Cat 1: Can we get out of here? Cat 4: No. This can be our next adventure. Grab my tail now. Cat 2:
This is a super de duper desert. Cat 1: Let’s go to a rainforest. Cats 2, 3, 4, & 5: Got it. Cat 5: I know! We can race! (Later) Cat 2: I am the fastest player!

Adventure 9 the Rainforest
Cat 3: I am the loser. Cats 1, 2, 4, & 5: Cool! Cat 1: Let’s tiptoe. Shh. Cats: (Screams) Cat 5: Run for our lives! Crocs are heading towards us! Let’s call mom! Phone: No calls for phone number 769-564-7856. Enter your continent. You live in Africa. Where are you going to call someone? North America. Want to copy somebody’s phone number? You are calling Mother Cat. Mother Cat: Hello, Cat 2: This is us, but we are almost caught by a croc. We need to go to the icy snow. Mother Cat: Good adventure.
Cats: Goodbye! Cat 4: We made it!

No comments:

What color puffle are you?

The ?????

The ?????
It's a ?????! It looks scary to me! I have to remove the word again, so the blog won't be PG-13 rated.


Is that puppy cute?


Wow, Wow! It's a picture of Wubbzy!

Cream the Rabbit

Cream the Rabbit
Is she so cute?

My 5th Grade Graduation Video

Here's the link to my 5th grade Graduatation Video!


The other video is NC-17 rated.

Who is she?

In the "My 5th grade graduation" video where it says "5th grade dance", the girl is named Kristen.